He is My Future

He is My Future
This is Jacob

Monday, June 30, 2008

Classroom Silliness

After we had held hands for a while and i was comfortable with the idea i sent Jacob this picture. I was in History and was bored like usual, so i drew a picture and sent it to him. Good thing the teacher liked me because i sat on the second row and i really think he would have said something if anyone else were to draw pictures in his class. i typically doodled in his class though. the outsides of my notebook are covered in names, mostly Jacob in various fonts, colors, and nicknames.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I like your doodles. I was at work (as a cashier) when Troy and I were engaged and was bored, not allowed to do homework, so began "practicing" Nicole + my new last name. On the other side of the paper I wrote "I {heart}troy a zillion times. I recently found the paper and had an Ohhh... moment. When I showed it to troy, he was like, "That's nice."
And I thought it was so cute...