He is My Future

He is My Future
This is Jacob

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

More Time Together

All of these pictures were taken on different days hence the different clothes and facial hair, on him not me.

Especially after that first date i realized that if nothing else i was comfortable around Jacob and his roommates Ryan and JT. So, i started popping in and out of their house whenever i had nothing to do. If Jacob was home i almost always sat by him and we would talk, watch TV, take silly pictures of ourselves, and my favorite was to ask him to tell me stories. His favorite stories to tell are about him and his brothers when they were younger and mission stories, i love them all.
This picture is more recent than the others you can tell because i am wearing his watch. i found it on the dryer one day when we/he was doing laundry, obviously, and put it on. i have had it on since then around the end of September.

This was a Sunday and for some reason i was dressed up more than i normally do for church, i can't say i remember why. however i do remember going to family dinner at his parents and playing card games with his sisters after we ate.

If you notice in this picture we are sitting on a brown leather couch but at the top of the picture there is a lighter part, that is another couch that they have sitting on top of a huge football stadium speaker. this is so they can fit 4 couches in 1 tiny living room.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I love reading all the stories of you and Jakie Poo. I must say, the pictures are all a little wierd. I hope you don't take all your wedding pictures on your camera phone. But, just for laughs, you should take some phone pics of yourselves in your dress and all. ha ha